Lifestyle nutrition and weight management

Eat to fuel your body not your emotions


About me

I'm a registered dietitian from South Africa and obtained my BSc in Dietetics from the University of Stellenbosch in 2012. After relocating to Hong Kong in 2019, I decided to shift to online consultations with a special interest in lifestyle nutrition and weight management, and to help people who struggle with emotional eating.

One on One virtual nutrition coaching

I work with you to uncover your relationship with food and your body. We look at where you have been, where you’re at now and what steps we can take to improve your nutrition.

It’s important to establish a firm foundation of healthy eating behaviour in the beginning. This will ensure that your relationship with food improves.

Individual one on one virtual consultations gives me the opportunity to focus on you, and help identify ways to improve your nutrition that suit your medical nutritional needs and lifestyle.

My Nutrition Philosophy

  • I use evidence based nutrition guidelines throughout consultations. I am able to translate this into simple terms that can be implement on a daily basis.
  • I’m not going to sell you anything but my educated advice. No detoxes, no cleanses. No counting calories.
  • Nutrition can be simple. Go back to basics.
  • Eat to fuel your body, not your emotions.
  • Don’t be fixated on the number on the scale. It does not define you and your worth.
  • You don’t have to eat organic to be “healthy“.
  • Eat a variety of foods. The more colours and variety of whole foods the better.
  • Focus on what you can eat more of to fuel your mind and body (No restrictions).
  • There are no good and bad foods. 80 - 20 rule: 80 % of your diet should be foods that fuel your body with nutrients. 20 % should be foods that fuel you soul… Have your cake and eat it.
  • Consistency is key, slow and steady wins the race. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progress.
  • You know what’s best for you. I’m here to help guide and support you
  • You only have one body, so look after as best you can.
  • Be active, get moving, get outside.
  • Nutrition changes require input from you. You must be committed, open, honest and ready for change.

Are we a good fit?

I work towards helping you create an eating routine, in which your body is nourished regularly.
You know what’s best for you. I’m here to help guide and support you.

  • You want an approach to nutrition that is flexible, achievable and sustainable.
  • You don’t want to count calories, no detoxes, no cleanses, no supplements.
  • You are confused about all the diet trends.
  • You want to be happy and healthy.
  • You want to change your eating behaviours and develop life-long habits to improve your wellbeing.
  • You want to stop yoyo dieting and wasting your money on fad diets.
  • You want to make educated food choices.
  • You want to understand your physiological hunger vs craving.
  • You want to identify your eating drivers.
  • You want to understand how your internal world (emotions) affects your external world (the food space).

The process

The long term goal of working with me is to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to continue implementing beyond these sessions.



Free 20 minute zoom call
This will help establish whether my services will meet your nutritional expectations and needs.


Initial Consultation

40 - 60 minute zoom call
Complete pre- consultation questionnaire. We will discuss the questionnaire and determine your nutrition related goals and expectations.


Second Consultation

40 - 60 minute zoom call
We work through your individual nutrition care plan


Further Consultations

20 - 30 minute zoom calls
The number of follow up sessions depends on the individual needs, support system, readiness to change and commitment to the long term goal.